2024-2025 Goals

This marks the ffifth year of GHPTO grants have been granted! The grants include a SMART board for the library, multiple author visits, a sensory cabinet and a sensory pathway, and many other tools and events! Thank you to all our sponsors, parents, and teachers for making the new grant program a success!

The first GHPTO grant application deadline for this school year is August 1st while the second deadline is December 1st. We work dilligently to get the grants fulfilled before the students return from the summer and winter breaks.

Fall 2024 Grants Awarded

First Grade Team - Lexia Core5 Reading System
Grades 1-4: Xtra Math App and Website for 50 Teachers
Dr. Greer - 3D Digital PrinterMrs. Harrison -Novels in Verse Literature CurriculumMrs. Hasty - Laura Ingalls Wilder ImpersonatorKindergarten Team - Play Based Learning SuppliesMrs. Loring - Music Instruments and Stand
Mrs. McAllister - Delta Math Program